Sunscreen Myths Debunked

Myth 1: I’m black, my melanin is my natural sunscreen. Debunked: Although melanin offers protection, it is limited, especially against UVA rays which penetrate deep into the skin causing fine lines and premature aging. These rays are also responsible for the dark spots and hyperpigmentation we develop after a breakout. So, do yourself a favor a...
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A Primer on Sunscreen

As we happily head towards summer, we’re beginning to get more questions about sun protection and how to pick the right sunscreen. The easy answer is that the right sunscreen for you is the one you’ll wear religiously. There are a few caveats though, your sunscreen has to be broad spectrum and should have an SPF factor of at least 30. We’ll explain why these are important.

The sun’s rays take a toll on your skin; in the short-term, it can mean dealing with a painful sunburn or hyperpigmentation, and longer term, it can lead to photoaging (premature aging) and skin cancer.

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Skincare By Decade

With the plethora of products and skincare recommendations available to us today, it can be daunting figuring out what we should be using and routines to follow as we get older. We always like to keep things simple and truly believe that good skincare doesn’t have to be that complicated.
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